Building A Monitoring Framework For The Societal, Ethical And Legal Implications Of Digital Solutions To Managing The Covid-19 Crisis
To formulate framework conditions for information technology solutions, we should understand the proposed technologies in their broader socio-technical-economic context. The discussion around the role of digital technology in managing the Covid-19 crisis laid open more fundamental questions about the relationship between digital technology, society, policymakers, and the tech industry. This crisis is not the first one and will probably not be the last. Digital technology will increasingly become part of the response to societal problems. The more important it is to learn the lessons from the (international) COVID-19 debate, also with a view to the future role that digital technologies shall play in our society. Hence, the current project aims to answer the following research question:
Which conditions need to be fulfilled for information technology solutions to be used in managing the exit period in the corona crisis, with a particular focus on the legal and societal conditions?
The project involves in-depth research and mapping exercises, applying empirical and normative, quantitative, and qualitative methods, with a strong focus on involving experts from different disciplines and collecting and systematizing the various arguments that are being made in the COVID-19 debate. The overall goal of the project is to create an assessment framework to guide policy decision-making and to formulate a catalog of framework conditions, while also contributing to the ongoing debate.
The project has been financed by ZonMW and the SIDN funds.