Tailor-made messages from political parties that are targeted based on your personality can have an effect on voting intentions, according to a recent study carried about by ICDS researchers Brahim Zarouali, Tom Dobber & Claes de Vreese. This finding has led to news coverage on multiple outlets, among others, the NOS (national public broadcaster of the Netherlands). The study is fully open-access, and can be downloaded here.
This list below gives an overview of the main newsd articles or radio fragments that cover this ICDS research:
- 23/11/2020. UvA-onderzoekers: online beïnvloeding is effectief voor stemkeuze [radio interview in NOS Radio 1 Journaal]. https://www.nporadio1.nl/nos-radio-1-journaal/onderwerpen/68295-2020-11-23-uva-onderzoekers-online-beinvloeding-is-effectief-voor-stemkeuze
- 23/11/2020. UvA-onderzoekers: online beïnvloeding is effectief voor stemkeuze [News article in NOS] https://nos.nl/artikel/2357754-uva-onderzoekers-online-beinvloeding-is-effectief-voor-stemkeuze.html
- 23/11/2020. Onderzoek wijst uit dat je stemgedrag online beïnvloed kan worden. Hoe dan? [Radio interview in NPO 3FM] https://www.npo3fm.nl/frankeneva/fragmenten/video/15988-2020-11-23-onderzoek-wijst-uit-dat-je-stemgedrag-online-beinvloed-kan-worden-hoe-dan
- 23/11/2020. UvA researchers: online influencing is effective for voting. [News article in News1] https://www.news1.news/2020/11/uva-researchers-online-influencing-is-effective-for-voting.html
- 23/11/2020. Micro-targeting can influence voting choice, UvA research project shows. [News article in DutchNews.nl]. https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/11/micro-targeting-can-influence-voting-choice-uva-research-project-shows/
- 25/11/2020. Wat?! Je stemgedrag wordt online beïnvloed? [News article in BNNVARA] https://www.bnnvara.nl/artikelen/wat-je-stemgedrag-wordt-online-benvloed